What does it mean when a person puts a «link in bio» on Instagram? – Self-promotion

Instagram is one of the most used social networks and currently ranks among the top three most popular social networks. The common denominator that can be found in this social network is that instead of placing the link directly in the publication. Find the link in the user profile There is an important reason for this.

All Instagram users share links on their profiles, not on the post itself and Message description Look for links in their bios, which are mostly meant to divert viewers to another site.

The way Instagram allows you to share other user profiles is through hashtags.If you use this method, the platform allows users to share personal data No need to use link. So links in bio have other uses.

Mobile Instagram app

redirect to another page

Instagram is a social network used by a large number of companies and influencers. Therefore, it is not uncommon for them to use the platform to redirect followers to their store, YouTube channel, webpage, etc. These links would be more effective if found in the post; however, There’s a reason no one does it.

Instagram blocks adding links to posts

Instagram Platform Links are not allowed in your post. If you want to redirect your account’s followers outside of social networks, you can only do so with a biography.

That’s why there is no link in the account’s post, but a redirect to the profile bio. Because of this limitation, you must have a clear policy on which links are shared.

What does it mean to use «link from my bio» in Instagram Stories?

as a user Write «link in my resume» in the post, «link in bio» or something like that. It requires you to visit their profile and look for the link in their bio, as the user can’t add it to their post.

How to use «Link in My Bio» on Instagram?

The reality is that doing so is very simple, as Instagram has no restrictions on inviting users to links on their profiles. no risk of being penalized Used to leave links on profiles and invite users to enter them. You must remember that the content of the link must comply with Instagram’s rules.

This The most important link for a business is the «website». Therefore, it is crucial for those who have websites to know how to include them in their biographies. However, this is not the only link you can take advantage of. After all, putting a link on a profile is basically a way to get traffic, mostly for marketing, as shown below.

Promote products on the page

When a store is about to launch a new product, it needs a lot of traffic to find potential buyers. Just one article (or more, depending on the product’s marketing strategy) is enough.You can Invite all viewers to visit profile Look for links in bio and wait for traffic to reach the page.

Redirect my followers to my other social networks

For influencers or companies, Redirect traffic to your other social networks This is essential. It is an unwritten rule that an Instagram profile contains all links to other platforms of an influencer or brand. This is one of the most common ways for followers to connect with the head of the platform of their choice.

Install the Instagram app

In short, Instagram users share links in their biosmainly because Instagram doesn’t allow sharing links in posts.

Therefore, using a «link in bio» is the only option for sharing external links on Instagram.Other Meta platforms like Facebook, yes link allowed Since both are linked, you can add an Instagram link to Facebook.

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