How to blur face in video? | Privacy

How to blur face in video? | Privacy

When we record video at a party or in a public place, the faces of people who didn’t authorize us to take their images may appear unexpectedly. In that case, It is appropriate to blur the faces of strangers. Today in Look It’s Done, we’re going to show you some tricks. Is erasing a person’s … Leer más

How can I listen to other countries’ radio with my phone or computer? – Useful apps and websites

How can I listen to other countries' radio with my phone or computer? - Useful apps and websites

While there are many music platforms today, such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer Music, there are still people who choose radio stations. Drivers Radio stations have put their stations online, So people can listen to the music and the programs presented there. If you have internet at home, you can listen to any radio … Leer más