How do I configure a TP-Link extender to increase my wireless network?

velocidad del router tp link

It is very important to have a good internet connection at home.Especially when we have all kinds of technological devices at home, such as Smart TV, tablet, smartphone or computer. Therefore, it is essential to have a good wireless internet connection to connect and enjoy the devices in our home. What should I consider before … Leer más

How do I search for people in Reniec by DNI, first or last name?

certificado reniec dni

This National Identity and Citizenship Registry, Better known as Reniec, it consists of an autonomous body and institutions belonging to Peru. Its main goal is to allow identification of any citizen of the country. This is thanks to a registration system through DNI numbers (formerly known as the Election Book). It provides access to names, … Leer más

How to track a person’s IP address to find him? – phone and computer – see how it’s done

¿Cómo RASTREAR la DIRECCIÓN IP de una persona para localizarla? - Celular y computadora

Search engines have noticed how often users request forms track ip address From a computer, over the web or using email. Either get information from other people or specifically target someone without actually using geolocation or accessing their hardware. Popular knowledge lets every Internet user know the purpose of the addresses assigned to every computer … Leer más

How to enter greater than or equal to ≤ or less than or equal sign on keyboard? – Windows, Mac and Linux

hacer el signo mayor o igual que y menor o igual que en el teclado del PC

If you are a person who writes on your computer, the general problems you will encounter Don’t know how to place symbols Greater than or equal to and less than or equal to on a PC keyboard. As we all know, if you are someone who frequently uses PC keyboard shortcuts for writing, whether for … Leer más

How can I improve the quality of pixelated video on my Windows or Mac PC?

Foto de gato mejorada

When sharing videos, it is important to have the correct resolution. However, in many cases, the quality of these is often not ideal.For this reason, we decided to show you how Improve video quality Whenever you have a problem with pixelation. Why are there poor quality or pixelated videos? This question depends on many factors.. … Leer más