Telegram is one of the best instant messaging apps and it strives to get better every day.In addition, the Telegram platform become very practical For many users, because it has a wide variety of tools, from sending messages, making calls, sending high-quality files, to the option to be able to create groups and channels.
Likewise, users who create a channel on the Telegram platform will be able to directly access the statistics of their channel, and in this way Check for growth This is already in different areas. However, if you still don’t know how to view these stats for your channel, then keep reading this article and you’ll learn how to view them.
Is it important to know the statistics of your Telegram account?
From the moment you decide to create a channel on Telegram, it’s important to know how it’s going. Also, it’s important to know if the followers who subscribe to your channel, They are or are not interested in what you post in it That’s why Telegram provides you with all this information in a graph with a very detailed summary.
Again, in these charts, you will know a lot the number of users who subscribed and left the channel, Also, you will be able to verify that they share the posts you make in them. In short, you’ll learn a lot about how to improve the negative impact of your channel.
What statistics can be seen on the Telegram channel?
When creating a channel in Telegram, we can control its progress in detail through the statistics that Telegram allows us to know. also, Statistics are different We can observe them from the Telegram channel, and if you still don’t know them, we will show you them here.
weekly report
In weekly statistics you can have Complete analysis of all activities Channel data for the past week, sorted in columns, to display results in a more orderly fashion. Also, in the data we will see, we will find the number of active followers, the number of followers added, and the number of followers who left the channel. Likewise, we can see other types of general information in the activities performed.
channel growth
Telegram provides us with channel growth statistics, where we will see the channel’s growth date. Also, the reflected result will be the total number of followers who joined the channel, thus verifying that the channel is growing with the community.
This is a very specific graph of channel followers, where you can see followers added and followers left on a daily basis, that is, the information by date will be very specific.
Notification stats are very similar to follower stats, but it still has mute and unmute options, That is, you can see which followers have muted or unmuted the channel’s notifications. In addition to this information, we will be able to find other information that will be helpful in understanding what the channel’s followers like and dislike.
traffic source
This is another stat that is very useful to know when to have a channel, as it will give us detailed information about follower traffic. That said, we’ll be able to know when and what days they’re active within the channel, so we can balance out what days and times we can post.
follower source
Here’s a graph that lets us know how followers know and get into the channels we have. Again, with this information, we will know if the content we post on the channel is interesting.
language map
In the language graph, we can see the language that the followers use in the channel and the language they have configured on the Telegram platform.
Here we will get details about the interaction of the followers with the posts we send in the channel, i.e. whether they have shared or retweeted to other users.
Where can you see all the statistics of Telegram channels?
We’ve learned how valuable it is to see the channel graphics we have on Telegram, so being able to see Overall growth of our channel And it must be able to improve their flaws. However, if you still don’t know how to find this information on the device you are using or even on the website, then you will have to go through a very simple procedure to learn this information about your channel.
with android
- Enter the Telegram app in recent updates.
- Then we have to enter the channel we have and we are the admin where we will press the title, the channel name.
- Then, we will have to press the three horizontal dots and we will have to select the «Statistics» option, where we will see everything related to the development of our channel.
from iOS
- Enter the Telegram mobile app.
- Then go to the channel.
- Now click on the channel name.
- Then, press the three horizontal dots on the right side of the screen.
- Click on the ‘Statistics’ option where we will see all the graphs with the information we want to know about our channel.
on the website
- Visit the official Telegram website and log in to your Telegram account.
- Next, find and log in to the channel for which you are an admin.
- Next, enter a channel name.
- Now at the three horizontal points where you will enter the «Statistics» option, where you will be able to verify the development of the channel.