Microsoft Office PowerPoint is another program in the Microsoft package, one of the most famous programs along with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, for creating presentations for presentations in slide editing, much like Canva does.
You can download PowerPoint from Microsoft’s official website and install it using the online version or by purchasing a digital CD that contains the entire Office package.Today we teach you how to do it Place hanging indents In this program, this is a little different from how it’s done in Word.
What’s the way to add hanging indents in a presentation?
French indentation is a The paragraph will be aligned to the right margin Except for the first line, this typesetting is commonly used in bibliography and reference lists, as the APA standard indicates. In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can also add text, so you can also configure the type of indentation to add.
First, you have to enter text on the slide, you can do this by inserting a «Text Box» in the «Object» option of the «Home» tab or in the «Insert» tab, write your paragraph and then in Find the Paragraph option in the Home tab and click the arrow that appears in the corner to display the menu.
In this box, you’ll be able to edit the basics about text, alignment, spacing, and indentation. Go to the last section, in «Special» you will see the section «Hanging», accept, your text should already have the format for said indentation.In PowerPoint, you can also add hyperlinks to your presentations just in case Have data sources at hand.
How to add hanging indents to paragraphs in Power Point?
When inserting slides from another presentation into PowerPoint, the text may already have the default format or the same format if you already have the presentation you made open. To add hanging indents, follow the same process as in the previous section, although in this case, since they are not documents of your authorship, they may be protected and you cannot make any edits.
When this happens, the «Enable Versions» option should appear at the top, and when you click there, you can Edit the indent of paragraphs in a presentation. go to one of them and click on the edge of the «text box» where the entire paragraph is written or shaded, then go to the «Paragraph» option, show its menu and select «French Indent» in «Special», save the changes, That’s it.
How to change the indent level applied to slides?
The APA standard accepts an indent spacing of 5 spaces (normal indent and hanging indent), or the same as 1.25 cm. When you place this font in PowerPoint, the program will place a default measurement that will vary depending on the version you have, but you can still change this size yourself.
in the same Paragraph dialog, in the Special options there is the «Text Before» option, which is enabled when you choose one of the two indent types, if you don’t, you won’t be able to use it. In this option you can change the indentation level in centimeters, when you have selected the desired size, click OK and save your changes.
What should you do to indent only the first line of text?
an excellent How to add indentationit also brings already edited text from another platform, in this case we have to convert Word to PowerPoint presentation, the same Microsoft Word program allows us to export these files to other formats such as .ppt , .xls, .pdf; although we can also convert them to web pages.
If you want normal indentation, i.e. only affect the indentation of the first line, follow the same steps we gave you: «Home» > «Paragraph» > Show Menu > «Indent» > Show «Special» and select «First line»; you must have previously selected the dialog or shaded the text you want to change.
After you’ve done everything, save your changes as well.if you want remove all indents you added, also go to the Paragraph menu and select (None) in Special, this will remove any type of indentation you added; another way is to use the command Ctrl+Z, which will remove all changes made and on the semicircular arrow located in the upper left corner of the program.