All social networks have a privacy system by which we can choose who can and cannot. Check out our posts and stories One of the social networks with one of the best restriction systems is Facebook.
In this social network you can choose everyone They will be able to see everything you do in your account. So we’ll show you how to do these things in the easiest way possible.
Although we have A lot of people In our social network, we don’t always know these people very well. For this reason, it’s important that we can put some type of restriction on these configuration files that we don’t know much about.
if you are the one who has Facebook friends only You can view the restricted people list as many times as you want. But if you’re wondering if you’re the one who’s been added to the restricted access list, it gets more difficult.
By telling you that this will be difficult, we tell you that it is impossible to know this information because this configuration is private.The only thing you can do is observe if the person Post regularly Or if it doesn’t exist anymore, you can draw your own conclusions.
As you know, this is a privacy setting This allows you to create Facebook in your account. Thanks to this, you can add as many people as you want to this list. This way, these people will only be able to see the information on your profile that you’ve marked as public.
If you want to get started with this list and wish to add someone You will have to follow these instructions.
Where can you see your restricted contacts?
One thing you will be able to do is see who you have added to this restricted list.This will be easy to dobecause you can achieve it in just a few steps, they are:
- The first thing you have to do is go into the Facebook app
- Then you will go to the «Friends» option.This can be found by pressing the three lines at the top of the screen
- Finally, you have to enter an option called «Custom List».This will be a list named «Restricted Access»
- By opening this list you will be able to see everyone you add to this restricted list
How do I add or remove people from the list?
Another thing you will be able to do is Add and remove people already included in this list of restrictions. To do this, you must do the following:
- In order for you to add people to this restricted list, you have to go to the Facebook app and tap the three black lines and go to Friends
- Once this is done, you press the option to edit your friends list
- Now enter restricted access, here you will be able to search and add anyone from your Facebook friends to the list
if you want delete any user What’s on this list frees them from the constraints of having to do this. But you have to know that you will be able to do this from your computer:
- You will open Facebook on your PC
- Then you have to go to the section called News and click on the «Friends» option
- Now click on the custom list and then click on «Restricted Access».Here you will be able to see every user you restricted and just click on the cross next to the name and you can remove them from this list
How to hide Facebook posts without deleting specific people?
Now that you know how you will be able to Make your limit list You can hide your Facebook friends’ posts. To do so, all you have to do is start the process of sharing or uploading your publication or story. Then in one of the corners you’ll see the «Share to» potion.
Press this option and you will see options for «Share with everyone» and «Restrict access».In this way, those who are included list of options They will not be able to publish this information.
This way you can hide stories from your friends in the easiest and most efficient way, you can do this:
- First go to Facebook, at the beginning you will see the option to add a new story
- Select the photo or video you want to upload and go to the next section
- Then in «Privacy» you have to choose between the 3 options available. To hide it from specific people, select the «Custom» option and choose who will see your story.