The Pokémon series is an infinite source of entertainment in the video game world, culminating in Pokemon Go, a mobile app that has captivated everyone since its launch. Its unique dynamics are still popular, and it’s still an active game.Learn how to hunt all pokemon in pokemon go Fast anytime, anywhere.
While the game can use real GPS maps, you can Catch any Pokémon without leaving home. Find out the best tricks to lure them to you, what other methods you can use to catch new Pokémon, and how to use the app’s features to enhance your adventures and collect all Legendary Pokémon.
What should I do to get Pokémon in my house?
The Pokemon Go game is designed to interact with your own virtual reality from your phone, so you have to go outside to find new Pokemon. However, this also means restrictions on users.Fortunately, there are several ways to overcome this obstacle, and Lure Pokemon to your location.
One of them is with a External applications that modify the game system Freely change your global positioning. There are many services that can help with Pokémon Go; the GO Simulator app is one of the most complete to catch Pokémon without moving, evolve them and avoid the danger of being banned.
Although if you don’t want to use such apps, there are other things you can do at home for Pokémon to come to you using options in the game itself. Pokémon Go includes a special object in its mobile app that allows you to Catch Pokemon from Home; Discover how to use incense.
Attract them with incense
Similar to the white flute in the Pokémon video game series, Incense is a Exclusive items that attract Pokémon with scent. Spawns a Wild Pokémon every 5 minutes for 30 minutes. You can get it from the in-game store or as a level-up reward (some levels only).
Where can I find Pokémon and use it to hunt Pokémon?
Another fun object that allows you to attract many Pokémon to your location is the decoy module. Unlike Incense, which you can use anywhere, Incense can only be used in PokéStop. However, it is very effective and can attract the rarest wild Pokémon.
Genie Station is special places in the game It features a post with a blue Pokemon Go symbol and offers rewards such as Pokemon Eggs. Usually, they are scattered in the busiest places on the map, such as squares, monuments, and other places with large influxes.
In addition to rewards, PokéStops also allow you to use decoys. These last about 30 minutes and have a wide range.Even without installing the module Benefit from decoys placed by other users And catch the Pokémon that appear on the perimeter.
You can activate different kinds of decoys; these are obtained through special research or from the in-game store.Each has a specific effect Attract Pokémon of a specific categoryso you can even use this trap to expand your collection of certain types of Pokémon.
How does «Triangle Search» catch Pokémon?
The popularity milestones generated by Pokemon Go make it very important for users to find Pokemon. Because of this, they devised ways to get more coins or make it easier to catch Pokémon that appear on their radar. From there, appear Triangle Search Theory.
Triangulation is a way to show how to catch Pokémon through a series of geometric steps. This search begins with a Pokémon trail on the app’s map.Once within 300 meters, players must mark their location and Rotate in the opposite direction from the initial direction.
If the proximity alarm is activated again in that direction, the range will be reduced to 200 meters.Mark new points and locations middle between points What does it mark. Once there, start walking in a vertical direction. If the proximity decreases, you’ll quickly find the Pokémon; if it’s the opposite, go in the opposite direction.
Using this search mode, form a triangle or cross. In theory, these steps allow you to quickly find any Pokémon in your area. Many hunters have successfully tested this theory, so it’s worth adding to your collection with this amazing catch method.
What’s the best way to get all Legendary Pokémon?
The Pokémon game has always been known for its wide variety of creatures. Pokemon Go is no exception. The most coveted in mobile apps are the hard-to-get copies that are marked as legendary.However, there is a A series of methods that allow to get them.
The main way to find Legendary Pokémon is through Raids and EX Raids, a very exclusive event that is only open for a limited time and offers great rewards. To take advantage of these opportunities, be sure to update your Pokemon Go app to the latest version.
Another way to get them is through Special investigations and field missionsalthough the chances of getting them using these methods are more limited than raiding.
Finally, you can receive legendary Pokemon likes Go to Battle League Rewards; To do this, you must reach a season rank. In these four ways, you’ll be able to collect all the legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go.