How to know how long my PC has actually been running – Windows 10

If your PC has Windows 10 installed and You want to know how long it’s been onin this article, we’ll show you how to find out, which is great for record keeping or control so you know if you need a break.

Where can I view the power log and track it in Windows 10?

As we already mentioned, here we will tell you how to know how long your Windows 10 PC has been on so you can keep track of it. There are several ways to do this and we will explain them in detail. You can choose the one you like.

with task manager

The first way to know how long our personal PC has been on is via task manager. Through it you will be able to observe other data about your computer’s performance. Of course, we are interested in the ignition timing. So, to find out, you have to follow these steps:

  1. First you should open the task manager. You can do this by:
    1. By pressing Esc+Shift+Ctrl.
    2. By simultaneously pressing the following keys Del+Alt+Ctlr.
    3. The last way, write in the search bar of the start task manager, then when it appears, click on it.
  2. After entering the task manageryou will be able to see several tabs at the top, here you have to select the one that says «Performance».
  3. By clicking on the performance tab you will be able to see some graphs and at the bottom of them you will see the active time option.this is telling us How long has our computer been on?.
  4. It’s that simple to know the boot time through the task manager.

Search the ignition log

from the control panel

The second method Know when our computer is turned on Using the control panel. But to do so, you must connect your computer to a network via a cable or Wi-Fi after you turn it on. If this is the case, you can simply find the taskbar and type control panel in the search bar.

When you find a panel, you can just click on it to open it.already on the panel you have to go to the network section. Once in this section, you will be able to see various options, including the Network Center, where you must select the network you are connected to.

When you click on the network you are connected to, you will notice that there are several sections or sections, one of which indicates the duration, it shows that the network is always active.through this You can deduce that it is also the ignition time from your computer. It should be noted that this will only work if the PC is always connected to the internet, otherwise the data provided will not be authentic.

clock on keyboard

use CMD

We already know that the Windows Console or also known as CMD is widely used to access some details of the How long has your computer been onto know the latter, you just need to run CMD, but as an administrator of the Windows account, you have to write the following command:

  • System Information | Find «System Boot Time»

By typing this command, you will be able to see the exact time it is turned on on your PC screen. Done, using CMD it’s easy to see how long your Windows 10 computer has been.

Using PowerShell

On a Windows 10 computer today, PowerShell is being implemented to replace CMD, And through it you can also see various details of the system, such as how long your computer has been on. And to know the latter, you just need to enter PowerShell as administrator and write the following command:

(get-date) – (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime

Next, you will be able to automatically observe in detail that your PC is always on.

laptop close up

How do I use a program to know when my computer is on?

In Windows 10, you can also use programs that help you watch your computer’s boot time, which is why here we’ll show you how to use them.

Using the event viewer

Event Viewer is a program that is included in Windows 10, but it is not well known, but it allows you to view or view any activity related to your computer.he takes care of An entry to record any activity You do this, including when you start your computer.

To use Event Viewer and find out how long your computer has been on, you must follow these steps:

You have to go into the Element Viewer, which you can do via Windows Tools or Press Windows+R keys. In order to navigate and access system operations, you must use the panel on the left.

Using TurnedOnTimesView

If the event viewer is a bit complicated for you, you can also use TurnedOnTimesView, a free program that you also don’t need to install anything on your computer, you can also use it You can observe the boot time of your computer. This application automatically queries the event viewer and renders the same data in a faster and simpler way, so it is very easy to use.

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