Laptops are evidence of technological progress. These teams are undoubtedly very functional and provide users with comfort.But they need a lot of care, especially If there are children at home who can operate without knowing it, damage the keyboard and other functions. With keystrokes, they can do something you don’t want and eventually unconfigure the keyboard, what good is such a keyboard for you? You most likely want to disable the keyboard on your laptop. In this article, the advice we give you is sure to be very useful for your successful blocking. That’s why we recommend that you keep reading so you can do it yourself without problems.
What are some ways to disable a laptop keyboard on a PC?
There are many advantages to working on a laptop, you can take it with you and keep working, it is also very practical and comfortable, making your work on the computer much easier. Obviously, they are very fragile, so you must take the necessary steps to prolong their of the shortcomings Their real headache is that the keyboard gets stuck while typing, or writes letters that we didn’t press. In this case it is better to disable it. Although you can disable the hotkey in Windows, you can also disable it completely. We show you how to disable your laptop keyboard.
Use KidKeyLock
It’s a great tool, Allows you to disable the keyboard by locking it, as well as disable certain mouse functions. This way, you can ensure that a broken or misconfigured keyboard can be deactivated and avoid such headaches. It should be noted that the tool is designed to prevent the smallest house from accidentally or through gaming pressing the keys of the laptop, which would cause the keyboard to lose its configuration or perform the wrong operation.
With the help of KeyFreeze
Another tool for locking laptop keyboards is KeyFreeze, which You must activate to disable broken keyboards or keyboards you are not using. In this mode, when you press a key, you will see that it will not perform any function because it is deactivated. It’s worth noting that with KeyFreeze, you can lock the keyboard, but not the laptop’s screen. If you want to reactivate the keyboard with this tool, you just need to press CTRL + ALT + DEL keys simultaneously. You can download KeyFreeze from its official website.
What are the benefits of using a keyboard and mouse cleaner?
Laptops offer many options that make them very convenient to buy and use. However, as with all computers, the operation of some very important parts such as the mouse, monitor and keyboard can have a hardware failure, making it necessary to replace it. Of course, this is only an extreme case. But if it’s just the keyboard that’s malfunctioning, you’d understandably want to take less drastic action, like turning it off.
The tools mentioned above can help you, but there are also keyboard and mouse cleaners.tool It’s very efficient and easy to use, you can use it to disable your laptop’s keyboard, but only for a while, while continuing to properly clean the laptop’s keyboard. This is what sets this tool apart from previous ones because it doesn’t allow you to permanently disable it, but it’s so useful that you can download it for free.
How to disable keyboard via command on laptop?
Another way to deactivate the laptop keyboard is to use commands, which is a fairly simple operation, as follows: You must use key combinations to execute commands, while pressing these keys Windows + R will activate the Run dialog. In this box, you must write dvmgmt.msc and click OK.
A Device Manager window will open, scroll down to find your keyboard and right click on it. Next, you have to click on Properties and Controllers. There you have to deactivate your keyboard. To do this effectively, you must restart your computer so the changes will be applied. You can follow the same process to reactivate the keyboard, but with the activation option checked. If your laptop has Windows 7, 8 or 10, you can also disable Sticky Keys.