More and more new features are being integrated into different devices, as well as into different programs and browsers.we are talking about Dark theme feature Or better known as Dark Mode, it’s integrated into different social networks, Microsoft Office, apps, phones, computers, and more. Additionally, this feature provides multiple benefits to users who publish on this topic.
However, for different reasons, there are other users who don’t particularly like this theme and prefer to disable it on their device or the program they’re using it on. If you are a Microsoft Office user and you have activated dark mode in this program but you want to deactivate it, we are here to teach you how to do this very simple procedure.
What are the benefits of using dark mode in mobile and PC apps?
Recently, different trends have emerged, one of which has entered the digital world, and it is the dark mode or dark theme, which controls and marks the difference in the operating system on different devices and in different applications. Because, currently all applications have opted to integrate it into the options menu in the configuration, offering a light theme and a dark theme as options, for user comfort.
On the other hand, traditionally we were used to having light backgrounds and dark or dark fonts, but this has changed and now we can see that this can be reversed.That said, background dark and font clear or white are now integrated, which helps as soon as possible Visual health for users. Now that this dark mode is used, the user’s eyesight wears down less and doesn’t tire faster.
However, it not only helps the user’s health in the visual part, but this dark mode, integrated in different applications of our mobile or PC, such as Telegram, has other benefits for the same device, here we will meet again
power saving
One of the main benefits of dark mode on different devices like phone and PC is that the tool saves more battery power. This is because they don’t have much brightness usage and have lower light, which reduces battery drain.
performance improvements
But not only does it help save battery power on phones and computers, it also helps those devices perform much better with light themes.That is, when we have a device with a light theme, this Light consumes more battery and other factors that cause it to deplete faster, resulting in lower device performance.
Now, with dark mode on your device, you will get better performance as it saves battery power and won’t cause your device to overheat, reducing its performance.
modernpersonalized style
Another very obvious benefit offered when using dark mode on mobile and PC is that it brings a more modern look, and the fact that it looks much better than using light mode. Furthermore, it allows to customize it in different applications on the phone or PC, located in its options menu and waiting for users who wish to activate it.
What is the program to disable Office Dark Mode?
Many Microsoft Office users have opted to activate Dark Mode for Office 360 users only. However, for those who already offer this option in the program, they will be able to fully enjoy it in different environments with devices such as mobile phones or computers.
However, not all users like this dark mode in Microsoft Office programs, which makes many of these users want to Disable this theme option. That’s why here we’ll teach you how to deactivate this option so you can choose the one you like best and it’s available.
Use the mobile app
Currently, mobile applications Microsoft Office for Android and iOS, any program can run in it. Now to disable dark mode for the app, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the mobile app.
- Click your profile picture in the upper left corner or your account’s profile icon.
- Then click on the «Settings» option.
- Then search for and enter the «Theme» option.
- Next, in the window that will appear, choose the theme option you want the app to have instead of the dark theme. You can click the Clear or System Default option.
- Finally, click «Got it» in the window that appears, exit the application and re-enter, so you can enjoy your established theme.
from computer
a pair Disable Microsoft Office Dark Mode On your computer, you will have to follow some simple steps that will not take you long, these are as follows:
- Enter Microsoft Office in any of its programs, eg: Word.
- Then click the «File» option in the upper left corner.
- Then choose an option from it.
- Next, scroll down to the General tab and click the drop-down box next to «Office Themes.»
- Finally, choose a «Classic» or «Colorful» theme and click «OK» at the bottom of the window.