How to Create a TikTok «Video Loop» in After Effects – Infinite Loop

Currently, social networking is one of the most used things in the internet world. This is because they create bonds between people. One of the most used networks is TikTok. through her, Various short videos can already be made, anyone can enjoy them and even record them. Now, through TikTok, in addition to uploading videos, you can also save, edit, and more.

One of the features is to see the history of videos I’ve watched on TikTok, which can guide us if that’s what we want Generate a TikTok Loop video Use an After Effects application.

Create an infinite buckle video loop on tiktok

What should you know before making a TikTok Loop video in After Effects?

Some Important features One thing to keep in mind before making a TikTok Loop video in After Effects is to consider the features and options for recording high-quality video on TikTok. This is to make it look good and pleasant. Within the quality range, it will be part of the lighting as an important factor in it.

What is the average length of these videos?

considering loop video or also known as video loop. They are the ones that will repeat the same number of times and it must be said that the duration will depend on TikTok.

On average, the TikTok app offers its users the possibility to record 6-second, 15-second videos, and in its latest update, it allows users to record videos with a 3-minute limit. therefore, the length you want the loop to beIt will be personal. Also, TikTok in your videos is already looping because when you finish a video, it repeats again.

How to make the looping video you found on TikTok from After Effects?

The After Effects application is one of the most commonly used to create this type of looping video.However, with it you can also Perform a variety of other totally incredible edits to your videos. Therefore, the most recommended is to download the TikTok App. This will make the process of editing the video and then uploading it easier.

Edit or upload your video on tiktok

Create infinite loop

create Infinite loop of this app, it must be done via the LoopOut option, also known as «PingPong». Therefore, for this, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Find the LoopOut option in an After Effects application.
  2. There you can start custom modifications to generate loops from back to front and vice versa.
  3. Again, its duration can be determined through the options located at the bottom «LoopOutDuration« This will set up the loop.
  4. By clicking «Properties», then there you can enter «explain video«. This option will help set the number of times you want the loop to repeat.
  5. Click «Main» and boxes with each video’s properties will appear there. This must be activated.
  6. At the bottom of the screen you will see the following options «other options««Loop X times» will be clicked
  7. Where X appears, you will set the number of times you want the loop to repeat.
  8. This is how easy it is to create loops with the «After Effects» app

If you want to create an animation loop

now another Options allowed by this application, is to create an animation loop. To do this, you must follow these steps:

  1. A composition will be created, this 1080×1080.Since it will be an animation, generally a Gif, ideally it has 5 seconds.
  2. The loop will be overridden, this is for the character to move to the bottom where the image is order to achieve this will be overwritten by the next character. For this reason, the end of the loop will be overwritten by its beginning.
  3. It will seek to generate depth, which will be done with the following options «Switch Mode» And all row positions will be used until we find the best one for what we want.
  4. Click the Easy Ease tool to control the curve movement. It is used to make the character have faster speed.
  5. It will freeze the last frame set and it will help to overwrite the last frame with the following loop.I know will be done by clicking on «time» Then in «FreezeFrame»

How do I upload a looping video from After Effects to TikTok?

Once our looping video is ready, which can be uploaded to the Douyin platform. Also, you can tag someone in the video description. But first, the steps for uploading are as follows:

Edit your creations and upload unique content

  1. Open the TikTok platform via PC or mobile app.
  2. There, click «Create»
  3. It will search the gallery or PC files, looping videos and will rise.

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