How do I know what the IP address of a web page is using a Windows or Linux PC?

IP address is a Unique numeric label used to identify Internet points Where the device is connected, the IP address indicates where something is and finds out what it is.Now, the IP address of a web page is the server that hosts the website.

The truth, however, is that no one can go online without an IP address, so no web page can stay online if it doesn’t have an IP address associated with the server that identifies it; so if you’re wondering What is the IP address of the web page From your PC, whether Windows or Linux, keep reading.

What is the use of knowing the IP address of a web page?

An IP address is like the license plate of a car circulating on a city highway, in this case, the road simulates the Internet, and the license plate that identifies each car is the IP address that identifies each web page or device connected to the internal or external network; although can be similar, never the sameThis is impossible!

Therefore, use the IP address of the web page You can know or find the portal Being able to access it through its digital label in the same way as through its domain name; likewise, you can help reject irrelevant or fraudulent sites that rank your site negatively in search engines.

Additionally, you can increase the security of your computer by blocking malware sites; finally, there are Access information about portal ownersits approximate geographic location and the contact information that can be used to access it.

What’s the most reliable way to know a website’s IP with Windows?

There are many ways to know the IP of a website, you can use your computer’s command prompt Alternatively, use IP verification services, which are one of the most used applications today because they provide more information about website owners easily and effortlessly. Below are the most commonly used tools.

use nslookup

NsLookUp is a free tool for Windows, Linux and macOS, and it is actually installed on the aforementioned operating systems.The application is used to obtain the IP address of DNS or the domain name of a website through the command line, in addition to being able to solve problems and Check the status of the server.

To use it in Windows 10, you just need to open Command Prompt or CMD with administrator privileges; to do this, go to Start and type CMD in the search bar, then mouse over the application and right-click Click on it and select «Run as administrator», you will get a message and you will give «Accept». Now, to get the IP address, you have to write the following command: NsLookUp domain name.

After pressing enter, the most relevant data will appear, such as server, DNS server name, IP address; however, you can also combine more commands to get reverse records, mail exchange mail recordtext records such as SPF or DKIM, or just search for domain aliases.

use ping

Using ping you can check the connection status of one or more computers by echo request packet and echo the response in this way to determine if the network can reach a specific IP address. Network administrators often use this technique to determine if a device is working on the network.

This method is very simple, you just need to open the command prompt or CMD, press Win+R, enter CMD in the window, click accept; then enter the command: ping the IP address, or pin

For example, ping, you will use this address to verify that it is available, and if the response is successful, the command line will respond with «REPLY».Finally, it throws an IP address in parentheses, which must match the nslookup command.

What should you do to know the IP of a website with your Linux computer?

The IP address of a web page can be known through the Linux operating system, you just need to use the «dig Dig» tool, which allows Check the website’s server, To do this, you have to open a command prompt from your PC, press «Start» and type «Run» in the search bar and press Enter.

Go ahead and enter the word «CMD» in the search box that appears and select «OK»; now you have to execute the following command in the program, «dig +short». On the other hand, you can use the hostHost parameter to know the IP to get complete and more detailed information about the website, such as «host».

Finally, you can use the ‘ping’ parameter like in Windows and you’ll still get Information about the network aspects of DNS, just type «ping». You can get information about the network IP addresses you need by any means, just put the above methods into practice.

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