Launched as one of the greatest promises of 2019, the Apex Legends video game gained huge recognition at the time and became one of the best shooters today. If there is a lag at some point, don’t worry, change Apex Legends’ servers and pings to smooth out the lag and fix the issue.
Apex Legends is a battle royale type game, i.e. similar to PUBG, Free Fire and Call of Duty (which recently added this game mode). Available on PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android and iOS; allows multiple players to connect online and play.
What do I get with the Apex package?
The game itself is on the official Apex Legends download page, and for desktop, or mobile, on the Play Store or App Store, as appropriate.
Apex Legends packs are loot Implemented in the game and contains several items for players to use, more specifically materials for building skins and legendary suits for avatar customization.
Although there are no specific items in the package you buy because it’s random and a matter of luck, they come with a small protection so they have more protection Chance to get legendary items.
How much does the Apex Legends pack cost?
buy a regular package, which must be done with 100 Apex Coins, which will cost $1. There is a free way, which is to level up, and the game itself will give us a total of 45 packs. Another way is to pay for one of the two battle passes, the regular battle pass costs $10 for 980 Apex coins, which is the cost of the pass; the premium pass, you have to buy it with 2800 Apex coins, or $28.
How to get gift packs in this game?
There are several legal ways to Get packages in gameWhile all three methods are legal, there are also unethical ones, in which case you can report players who are cheating in Apex Legends.
Continuing with the legal alternatives, the first one is the most basic and easiest, which is to pay real money for the game instead of buying 100 Apex Coins; the second way, it’s free, but of course needs to meet requirements, upgrades, so from Level 1 to Level 100, Players can get a total of 45 packages.
The third option is to pay real money, but instead of buying the package outright, it is done by purchasing the famous Battle Pass or Battle Pass, the Normal Pass for 980 Apex Coins or the Premium Pass for 2800 Apex Coins. In addition to getting the package itself, through the pass, if we complete some tasks, we will also get more rewards.
After the recent update, players who signed up from Season 2 will receive 5 additional free packs, which will give them a total of 50 free Apex Legends packs.
buy a package
You can buy these packs for real money, either by paying for a regular or premium Battle Pass subscription (whichever it is) or by paying for the pack directly. In the previous section, we have already mentioned the price in each case.
The second way is to spend a few hours playing the game to give us packs as we level up. Due to the low probability contained in the packet, Some players prefer to get them for free and allocate your money to specific projects.
If the game gets really frustrating, you can choose to mute my teammates instead of co-op in Apex Legends, which makes you «troll». Another issue that can arise when playing games is lag., But as we mentioned before, there is nothing to worry about.
Some quick tips for leveling up and getting Apex Legends packs fast are: get as many kills as you can, avoid dying a few times, maintain a good KDA (kill/death/assist), play as a team, do whatever you can to win the game, You have to play against the MVP player of the previous game and kill him because he will give you big exp rewards.
How do you know how many packs you’ve earned in Apex Legends?
If you signed up from season 2 and got 45 packs, plus an extra 5 packs, it could lead you to lose count. How many Apex Legends packs have you opened; However, there is a way for you to keep track. Also, every opening a certain number of packs guarantees you shards to buy artifacts in the shop.
you should enter Apex Legends Tracker If your account is linked to Twitch Prime, it’s even better that you can provide the information they will ask for here. Once in, enter the levels and skipped levels for each season, just leave them blank; this will return all information about each pack you have open.