How do I check my battery status on iPhone, iPad and MacBook?

Portable smart device batteries are divided into 3 pieces. Disposable material, in short its exterior and protection, its energy stored inside and most importantly its charging area. For the very obvious, The battery is destined to die one day.

The reason why the batteries stopped working is pretty obvious, they are made with «recycled materials». The more the battery is used, the all its components they are exhausted This oxidizes little by little. By the way, you can turn on battery backup on Android.

What is the reason for the battery to fail after several months of use?

For sure, over time you will start to realize Your phone is charging less, maybe some people think they are wrong to think this way and not. Even if your phone is the best brand, it will deteriorate over time.

A new phone has a lifespan of 8 to 9 hours. Chances are, if you don’t use the phone heavily for about 11 hours, as the battery degrades, you’ll notice the difference, which is less and less duration.telephone You can spend more burden If you frequently use a WiFi network or play online games.

Mobile version

This shouldn’t surprise you at all, it’s just an object that kept its maximum functionality as everything at the time.The chemicals inside you and the other ingredients inside this object your energy storeThey are incapacitated. In case you didn’t know, it can keep your phone’s battery last longer.

Improper load

As we all know, mobile phone batteries can current worsening problem passing time. But you can take precautions to take care of it and make it last longer, one of which is charging your phone properly.

not suggested Use any charger Charging our devices damages the battery in the long run. It is best to use the original charger, it is obviously right, the voltage is the same, mainly the one marked, there will be no problem, the voltage will not be too large or too small.


If you use the device a lot, the battery will obviously get more strained every day, but many of us we made a big mistake. When you need to use your phone a lot, make sure it never fully discharges. The most recommended is to charge the device when it reaches 20% to take care of the battery.

person using cell phone

Batteries are made through various cycles, and you might think batteries are meant to squeeze every drop of energy, but that’s not the case.If your phone is completely dead and you charge it again, you are exploding battery cycle Batteries are gradually reducing their strength levels through exploitation.

How should you check battery status on iPhone and iPad?

Checking battery status on your iPhone or iPad device is useful and essential.If you’re in a remote area and want to know exactly how long your device will be kept, you can’t rely on the bar above because it battery may be faulty And the information provided to you by the device will be inaccurate.

Since this kind of battery failure has been common on iPhone and iPad devices over the years, Apple Inc. has decided to release a section called «Battery Health» on iPhone devices in iOS 11.3.This lets us Check battery statusnext, we’ll see how it’s used:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Choose battery.
  3. After «Battery Health»

In this way, you can View battery status on the device. If you don’t know, you can properly remove the iPhone’s battery without damaging the components.

iPhone features

What is the procedure for checking the battery status of a MacBook?

for Check the status of the battery On your MacBook device, you shouldn’t complicate yourself because you can do this very easily. Other than that, it will be very useful to you, then we will see how:

  1. Press the «Option» key.
  2. Then choose from the Apple menu.
  3. Click «System Information».
  4. Select Power in the System Information window. There you will see what state the battery is in.

How to slow down battery drain on Apple devices?

The steps that you have to follow to take care of your battery in a very efficient way are very simple. As we all know, this way, the performance of your battery will last longer.these are steps you have to follow To slow down battery drain on Apple devices:

  • Avoid exposing the device to high temperatures.
  • Do not use the device while it is charging.
  • Do not allow the device to fully discharge.

if you come something wrong Or have questions about your iPhone smart device, you can visit Apple’s support pages. There you can find the information you need for your iPhone and iPad.

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