Expressing an amount as a percentage is a good practice when you need to submit reports on results, progress, or other aspects.Very high numbers are inherently difficult for the human brain to understand, however, when Simplify numbers by indicating percentages. People understand and process it much faster.
So when working with Excel spreadsheets, you often need to capture results in this format, and if you still don’t know how to get them, today we’ll explain everything you need to do to make it happen in the most straightforward way possible.
What formula does Excel use to find percentages?
By definition, percentages are expressed as relationship between one quantity and another, is usually represented as a number followed by the symbol «%». Although that would equal that number divided by 100. Then knowing that percent representation can be easily converted to decimal expressions and vice versa, we can apply it to convert different results.
For example, after calculating the annual growth rate or the ratio of sales from one month to another, the situation is practically endless. But they are based on the same principle. In Microsoft Excel, getting a percentage result is easy, you just need to make sure you have the calculations in decimal format ready.Then press the percent format button which basically handles Multiply the indicated value by 100.
It’s important to remember the basic formula for percentages Can be expressed as: SpecificValue/TotalAmount, which means, for example, if you want to know the percentage of sales that represent a day. For the current month’s cumulative sales, simply divide the current day’s total sales by the current month’s cumulative sales to get the result in decimal form, which can be converted into a percentage.
What are the steps to get Excel percentage from mobile?
As you’ll see, this software in the Microsoft suite makes expressing percentages very easy, especially if you’re using the desktop version. Although most of us do currently prefer to perform tasks or obligations through our mobile devices.
Whether you have a phone or tablet, Android or iOS, the first step Use the program to run The calculation method is to download excel from the official website. After installing it on your computer, you can start your tour through the different options of the app.
You’ll find it has most of the familiar buttons on the same tabs, including the Format Cells button.
To convert a number from Excel Mobile to a percentage, you just need to select the cell, click the format button (its symbol is ABC123), and choose the «Percent» option.
How to calculate the percentage of multiple cells at the same time?
We looked at the most basic percent expression options, but there are probably hundreds of cases that would involve more logic, translated into functions, so that Excel would give us the results we wanted. For example, you may need to add or subtract multiple cumulative percentages or calculate percentages for multiple cells at the same can choose condition a group of cells, so before entering the information, they already know it will be interpreted as a percentage number. for it:
- From the Home tab of the Numbers group, you can access more formatting options to customize this feature for your convenience.
- This will open a dialog with all the Format Cells options.
- You go to «Percentages» where you can edit the number of decimal places to display.
- Instead, if you go to the «Custom» category, you can find the default option to turn negative percentages into red under the «0.00%;» type;[Rojo]-0.00%».
- When you format one or more cells, anything you do with it results in a percentage expression.
How to convert decimal numbers to percentages in Excel?
Before representing your data in any particular format, be sure to filter the results of interest and eliminate duplicate information, this ensures you are using real values and avoids errors in formulas. The second most important thing, when calculating percentages, first calculate all the separable relationships of the data.just in case have the original value without calculatingExcel can directly give the result in percentage format.
- Initially, you have to condition on the cell’s percentage format.
- Then enter a simple division formula, from the «ratio» cell, between the «total amount» cell, you can anchor the latter by pressing F4.
- To repeat the calculation in the remaining cells of the column, you can double click on the dot in the lower right corner of the cell and you will immediately see the necessary percentage.
It is generally believed that if you enter a value directly into the cell and apply a percentage button, the «%» sign will simply be added, but this is not the case.
The percent format function is Multiply the decimal value by 100Returns a true percent number, so be sure to enter your data in decimal format.