How to create a date range in my Excel cells – Data Validation

How to create a date range in my Excel cells - Data Validation

Currently, we have not found several programs designed to help us deal with various things every day.There are people who create the documentation, others create the slides for the presentation, and some help us with it Computing and accounting management. The latter is Excel, through which several things can be done, since its spreadsheets allow … Leer más

How to Activate Array Formulas in Excel Sheets – Key Scenario

How to Activate Array Formulas in Excel Sheets - Key Scenario

Excel’s many features make it the program of choice for calculations, data entry, and statistical analysis in small and large businesses. Its applications have gone beyond education and health institutions. They use Excel to track employee attendance, program design, and activity schedules. What are the benefits of creating array formulas in my Excel sheet? An … Leer más

How to create an animated photo album in Power Point?

How to create an animated photo album in Power Point?

In today’s world, there are various projects responsible for facilitating people’s daily life. Several important things can be done through them, such as writing documents, making spreadsheets for accounting management or in other cases, Create slideshows and presentations. The latter can be done correctly and accurately by the PowerPoint platform. The platform allows to implement … Leer más