Instagram is not lagging behind with updates on its platform, Offers the option to make a video call Join your followers and friends without using any other external apps. With this video call option, we can have a meeting with friends or family members via video call. Also, to make this even more interesting, we can use the filters we have saved in our account.
On the other hand, many people are still unaware that this video calling option is enabled. several people in a group Or just we select some people to video call. Now, if you still don’t know how to make group video calls and use the filters in it, keep reading this article because here we will teach you how to make those group video calls.
Originally, the Instagram app did not have the option to enable group video calls, but for various reasons, the Instagram platform decided to integrate this option so that many people can make group video calls No need to use WhatsApp or other applications. Also, this option is enabled on both Android and iPhone phones.
However, it is imperative to have the latest update to be able to make group video calls and to be able to enjoy all the other options we have available while making video calls.One of these options you can enjoy is Put a filter to get to know you better or just for fun. After making a video call you can use this option where you can select the face icon where you will choose the filter for the video call.
It’s also important to note that you can make group video calls with your followers and people who don’t follow you, and here we’ll teach you how to do those video calls in a very simple way.
and my followers
There are two ways you can make a group video call with your followers, the first is from a group you created, you just need to click the icon of the camera or recorder, then The video call will start automatically with team members.
The second option is by selecting the followers you want to video call with, for this you have to do the following steps:
- Open the Instagram app.
- Then, Click on the messenger icon This will take you to «direct».
- Then click the icon with the pencil.
- Next, search for the person you want to video call with, and once you find them, tap them to add them to the list.
- Later, Click on the «Chat» option This is in the upper right corner.
- Then in the chat that starts, you have to click on the camera icon and start a video call.
people who don’t follow me
Not only can we have video calls with our followers, but we can also have video calls with people who don’t follow us, which is an amazing advantage.Do this process now it will be very simple And it’s done in the same way as our followers, of course, this will be done with the method of choice to make it easier. The steps now are as follows:
- Enter the Instagram app.
- Clicking on the Messenger icon will take us to «Direct».
- Now click on the pencil icon.
- Then, find and select people who don’t follow you but want to make a group video call.
- Then in the chat that will appear, you have to click the camera icon to start the video call.
number of people
Recently, when Instagram integrated video chat, it generally only allows video calls with 4 people. But now, that limit has risen to a maximum of eight people who can make group video calls. Rumor has it that Instagram will also integrate the ability to create rooms into its platform to be able to video conference with up to 50 people, which would be very beneficial.
How do I add filters to my Instagram video calls?
Additional options have been added by integrating video chat or video calling options on Instagram, one of which is Filter your video calls Or so that other members can see you using said filter. This option is now available for Android and iOS as long as the app is updated.
Also, when you use the filter options in a video call, you can choose your favorite filters as well as the ones you have saved in the filter session. Likewise, to use filters for video calls, you must follow these steps:
- Log in to the Instagram app.
- Find the group you want to video call with.
- then click»video recorder«.
- Once the video call starts, you must select the smiley face icon that appears on the left side of the screen.
- Now select the filter to use in the video call and that’s it.
What is the procedure to add more filters to my Instagram stories?
In many cases we add some filters that appear in the options tray, but sometimes we want to have more filter options, for this we have to do the following:
- Enter the Instagram app.
- Then, go to history section Go to the Instagram camera by selecting your profile picture in the story section or swiping from left to right.
- Now in the filter section, you have to swipe from right to left until you find the magnifying glass icon.
- Then click the magnifying glass icon Start searching for filters to add to the story from Instagram.
- Once you find the filter, you have to click on it and then the download icon with the down arrow, so the filter will be saved for later use.