Most of us use some social network to connect and chat with our family and friends. In these networks, it is not uncommon to find people who use acronyms and acronyms to give answers or express reactions. Have you ever had a situation where you didn’t know what it meant? Someone sent you a message with the acronym SHM and you don’t know what they’re talking about?in the text We’ll help you understand what it means and when you should use it.
What does the acronym SMH mean in English?
Many times, in our conversations with other people, we see how they use acronyms for certain letters, but we cannot understand what they mean. Don’t feel bad thinking you’re too old for the jargon of youth. You can still learn and understand all the phrases and acronyms used today.
Youth slang is so widely accepted that there is even an urban dictionary with all the words, phrases and abbreviations used in english And by default we repeat. This dictionary, like other dictionaries, is designed to help understand information with words whose meanings we don’t know.
There are many acronyms for endless expressions today, for example, if you like video games, it’s normal for you to get a message with the letters GG. This means you have a good game. These acronyms were transferred to other settings with the purpose of expressing good wishes to others.
Likewise, Alphabet MLP is also used on platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.This acronym means: Major League of Players, when one uses it, it refers to a series of sporting events or competitionsInviting others.
On the other hand, some people use the letters XQ in messages on social networks to argue for answers. As is the case when an acronym representing an English word does not correspond to its Spanish acronym, the capitalization of XQ means «because of.» This happens because, in mathematics, x is used for symbols, and Q is used for words: «what».
Likewise, the acronym SMH has one meaning in English: shaking your head or moving your head.With this, we want others to see that we disagree with what happened or commented on, and also express shock, disgust, or disappointment.
Before these reactions, usually if we were in the presence of a person, we would move our head from side to side. We express it physically, and sometimes we confirm it verbally, that we disagree or cannot believe.
when mentioned on social networks
As we mentioned earlier, acronyms are widely used by people today.The first people to use them are young people, although there are already a large number of Elderly people who use this idiom Talk to others in writing.
On platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, etc., it is normal for many people to use the acronym. This is because many times we are busy with work or other household chores and at the same time we are talking to someone.
However, we don’t have enough time to explain our thinking. So using acronyms is ideal because with just a few letters we can say a lot. This option allows us to continue the conversation without interrupting what we are doing.
Now, you have to pay attention to the context in which you want to use the word. Why?some people They also use it to say «I hate you so much”, which is the weirdest way to use these acronyms. It’s not even recommended that you use them for that purpose, as their original use has been twisted.
On the other hand, if you’re in a network and someone on a group or wall makes an unlikely joke or says an expression that’s unlikely to be true, you can use an acronym to Express that you find it funny, even if you don’t believe what is said.
if you are doing something at that moment
Conversely, if you are having a conversation with a person or group and someone says something you disagree with, you can Use acronyms with «crazy».
This will convey the idea that not only do you disagree or are disappointed, but other people must already understand that they won’t be counting on you if action has to be taken in relation to what is being discussed.
How to use the acronym SMH correctly?
The acronym SHM has been used in social media and messaging for almost 20 years, so there is a lot of time smuggling between conversations.However, it has already started Reduce usagewhich is due to the use of GIFs.
These dynamic images can express what you want to express more realistically, and you can send it with just a few keystrokes. There are even apps like GYPHY where you can create your own GIFs with a personal touch.
When can I use SMH in a conversation?
But if you’re still traditional and want to keep using acronyms instead of images, there’s no law against it. What you should keep in mind is that you should use it before or at the end of writing a review.
Actually, there are no grammatical rules for the use of acronyms, you can use them in response to a joke, a situation or an expression that upsets you or shocks you, as long as in real life they make you giddy aside aside.