How do I continuously ping my computer to check network connectivity?

Typically, when you want to monitor your network connection statuslook for different options in your system to achieve it, one of the most reliable ways is to use the «ping» command from the console, which will perform a scan under certain parameters.

Check connection with infinite ping

However, depending on your operating system, you will find that this command handles differently limitation application. If you need to implement monitoring for a specific period of time, ideally you configure continuous or continuous ping, here we explain how to do that.

Do you need a constant ping on your computer?

If the connection to any device on your network fails, Visit a website or other resource It’s coming from the internet, it’s normal that you go ahead and open my Windows PC’s network connection, or verify these options in your OS.

If despite this you don’t get a response or a solution to the failure, you can use «ping» to get a nice deeper analysis tool, basically it takes care of testing your connection assessment with ICMP messages Minimum, average and maximum time It needs to respond to the host.

As a primary consideration for pinging, if you are checking a computer for its connection status, you must ensure that both devices have the following options: ICMP Echo Request and ICMP Echo Reply. If there is a firewall or some security policy blocking these communications, the query will not work.

What is the procedure to perform an infinite or constant ping on a computer?

A quick and specific way to identify server connectivity problems is to ping the IP address or web page.It works for printer network, local printer network connection, or Use public or private IPA very important utility that .ping provides you is determining whether your Internet failure is specific to your local network or to your service provider.

The downside of ping can be that, depending on your operating system, it is preconfigured to perform a certain number of requests for domains or IP addresses, This is cumbersome if you want to evaluate connection parameters long term.

So the question that arises is how to do it to achieve Extended ping on any OS?, well, rightly we evaluate on a case-by-case basis, so that’s what we’re going to do next.

Perform continuous ping

if you have windows

Of course, if you’re a Windows user interested in programming or systems, you’ll understand that the ping command itself makes 4 requests to the host. It stops whether you are checking for network stability or server latency, so to prevent this from happening you have to add the «-t.» property:

  • The first step, if you haven’t done it yet, buy Windows 10 from its official website, it stands to reason that you make sure to install it correctly.
  • Then you go to the start menu and type «PowerShell» in the search bar to open the options displayed.
  • Then, it is up to you to enter a ping command with the following structure»ping -t IP/WEB address”. By entering the exact address to check, you can ensure that the replay is infinite until you force stop.
  • If you want to specify the number of repetitions so that it stops automatically when done, change the structure to «ping -n Number of IP/WEB addresses«. Remember that after -n you must enter the number of times you wish to make a request to the domain.

For Linux OS

Linux has a feature of its ping command, by default, run indefinitely until ordered to stop. Again, to achieve this, you must use the following process:

  • The first thing is that you open a new terminal, e.g. it’s Ubuntu, while typing «CTRL+ALT+T«, you will get it.
  • Then, the input structure is «flat IP/WEB address” and press Enter to confirm.
  • You can also choose to set some specific pins to execute using commands of the following structure «ping -c Number of IP/WEB addresses«. After -c, you must enter the number of times you want the request to repeat.

If you have a MacOS system

Let’s now evaluate a situation where a ping needs to be performed from macOS, which like any other system also offers the possibility to use these queries to the server to verify network in linux nature is infiniteso to execute it you must:

  • open a window terminalyou can find it in the Applications folder in the Utilities section.
  • We will find that the structure is the same as Linux»flat IP/WEB address» and «Ping -c Number of IP/WEB addresses« Specifies an echo request.

from Information provided by the terminal Regarding bytes, time, TTL, packets and response time, you can take steps to improve latency and lower my internet ping to resolve any errors.

stop constant ping

How to block infinite pings on PC?

To get the statistical results of the evaluation, the execution of the ping must be done, if you define it as infinite, to achieve it, just press the key «simultaneously» inside the terminalCTRL+C”. If you need a full evaluation, it is recommended that you let it run for at least 24 hours before stopping.

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