How to compress MP3 audio without losing quality? – useful programs

Every day more people enjoy listening to music or editing it without losing quality and using the or Upload your files to the cloud Or data compressors that compress video, and compress audio to make it lighter.

You can even insert music into your Slides in PowerPoint. MP3 is one of the most used music formats with the best audio quality and slang. But sometimes you may need to reduce its size or weight.

That’s why we’re here to show you how to compress MP3 audio without losing quality, Compress music and songs, even data and video, to eliminate slang words that may appear in this tutorial.

What is the use of compressed audio?

The main reason for compressing audio, music and songs is because with a large number of these files, our device storage is full, or sometimes we want to save the audio, No loss of sound quality.

Why compress audio

Although MP3 files are already a compressed audio format (to facilitate its transmission without losing quality). And it is used in many media playback devices, further reducing its size can store more songs for listening.

Compressing MP3 audio means editing a feature of the file bitrate call The other is called sampling frequency to reduce its weight without losing quality.

the result will be this song will take up less memory space, but the challenge is to keep the file from losing its sound quality, although it will always suffer some. Below, we’ll show you the different methods you can use to compress your audio, your music, and your favorite songs without losing sound quality.

Send message via WhatsApp

We all know that in order to send audio via WhatsApp we have two options, one is via voice notes and the other is via MP3 file upload. So if you don’t want to talk via voice notes, you can send audio that weighs less than 16 MB.

However, in many cases these audios cannot be sent because they are too heavy, you wonder; Now how can I reduce the weight of the audio? The answer is simple, use a program or application to compress the audio, which allows you to reduce size and weight without compromising its quality.

send message via whatsapp

The purpose of this is to allow the interlocutor or recipient to listen to the file in good quality.and understand what Attempt to stream audio. Well, if you want to know how to use the audio compression function and reduce its weight, I invite you to continue reading the following paragraphs and you will find that it is very simple, except for the fact that it is performed without loss of audio quality.

Lighter weight when shipped

Now, in order to do this, you should seek help from an application or program that has the ability to compress audio or files.some of them are Google Drive and Dropbox, Tips are almost always pre-installed on your phone.

To use them, all you have to do is enter your file manager and select the audio you want to reduce in size.then you give it sharing function; Once there, you can touch either of the two apps already mentioned and wait for it to load.

Once loaded, you enter the folder it’s in and select Copy Link in the three dots.After this, you go to WhatsApp conversation you want to send audio and send the link.

Be ready, and only then can you manage to reduce the weight of the file or reduce the weight of the file without losing its quality, in the person’s place, you can choose to listen to it or download it. Also, not only does this help you reduce the size of your audio, but for video Data compression and slang removal.

Ways to reduce the weight of MP3 audio without losing quality

Methods of compressing MP3 audio can be divided into two categories, online size reducers and download software size reducers. on device or PC The best thing is that they save without losing sound quality.

Online MP3 Audio Compressor: MP3smaller

MP3smaller is a compressor lower bit rate MP3 audio. It has an easy-to-use interface where you can upload files up to 150 MB. It’s free to use, so you don’t need to register and uploaded files are automatically deleted. To use it, follow these steps:

mp3 smaller audio compressor

  • Open the page in your internet browser and then Press the browse button.
  • Select the MP3 audio you want to compress and click the Open button.
  • define file size Where you want to compress the mp3 (the less Kbps you write, the smaller its final size).
  • Press the green Upload File button to start zipping.
  • When done, a green box will appear Download mp3 audio. click download file. (you will see the final size of the file and the percentage reduction), the coolest thing is that it can download it without losing sound quality.

Online MP3 Audio Compressor: Compression

With this compressor you can also reduce Other audio formats and other types of files, such as video, document or photo files. The website is very easy to use, the steps are as follows:

mp3 compressed audio compressor

  • Open in your internet browser page.
  • Adjustment «Overall audio quality.» (Lower values ​​result in lower audio quality and higher compression.)
  • add files (by clicking or dragging the file into the dotted box). The maximum size is 200 MB.
  • After uploading the file, compress it it will start by itself. Wait for the process to complete.

The resulting file will be displayed in Generated files area. To download a single file, right-click the file link and click Save Link As…

MP3 Audio Compressor: Audacity

Audacity is a program for audio recording and editing. Also, it allows you to slow down or slow down MP3 it is Advanced MP3 Compressor. Next, we’ll show you the steps to use Audacity to reduce the weight of a song without compromising its quality.

mp3 audio compressor: bold

  • download and install programs on your computer.
  • Start Audacity and import the audio file. Click File > Import > Audio…
  • after, export c fileLike MP3 and choose a lower bitrate quality than that.according to File > Export > Export to MP3. In the «Quality» tab you can modify the bitrate.
  • press save and then OK Compress audio to MP3.

Online MP3 restorers are simple and easy-to-use tools, but they have limitations. For a more complete solution, editor They are better options. For example, you can edit MP3 audio or songs in GarageBand. Now you know how to compress MP3 audio without losing quality.

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