How Combat Works in Axie Infinity – Stats, Rewards and Attacks

If you dare to play Axie Infinity but you know very little, you are a beginner and don’t know what to do, or you are looking for strategies to become a better player, today is your lucky day as we will discuss the game’s stats , bonuses and attacks.

What are the stats for each Axie and what are its functions?

axis There are four statistics: Health, Morale, Skill and Speed, which play the following roles in the game:


Health stats, also known as HP, are Axie’s ability to fend off attacks and stand firm.


called skill, it is Increases damage when performing combo attacks (i.e. the number of cards or moves you play).


This stat refers to your chance of being hit hard by your opponent’s attack.


also known as speed Designate Axie to attack first (him or whoever is fastest) and reduce the chance of getting hit hard.

Axies have 140 basic properties, spread across these four properties. They vary for each Axie species and its body part.

What are each Axie’s body parts and how do they affect combat?

In Axie Infinity, each Axie’s body has six parts: eyes, ears, horns, mouth, back, and tail, and the last four are responsible for determining each Axie’s role in combat.

Each body part also adds stats to Axie, depending on which category it belongs to.These courses have advantages and disadvantages compared to other courses and are those Specifies the stats that will affect Axie in battle.

How Axie Parts Affect Combat

How does the game’s combat mechanics work?

Axie Infinity includes taking turns, Use a card from each of our team’s three Axiescarefully considering the execution of each move and how it affects the chances of winning and beating the opposing team.

How is combat damage calculated?

Damage is calculated by comparing the types of cards used to attack and defend Axies. As we have already said, the class determines the strengths and weaknesses.

so, If we face the axe with the Dawn card, deals an additional 15% damage to us. Conversely, facing Axie Dawn with a Beast card will reduce damage by 15%. If Axie plays cards of the same tier, they will gain an additional 15% shield.

How do combined attacks and critical strikes work?

Combination attacks are made with two or more cards in an attack round (minimum 24 cards per group of three), and the power of the attack depends on each Axie’s abilities.

Damage can be calculated using the formula (Attack x Ability) / 500. For example, Axie Beast (31 abilities) uses Hungry Bird (110 damage) and Hare (120) cards.

We calculate 31 x 110 = 3410 / 500 = 6.8. This means Hungry Bird takes an extra 6-7 damage when used with another card. If 31 x 120 = 3720 / 500 = 7.4. Likewise, hares take about 7 additional damage.

How to do combos and thumps in axie

Deadly attacks and chances of getting them depend on each Axie’s morale (The higher, the greater the probability). Heavy hits can deal up to 200% damage to the recipient, but they are random and not very specific.

What bonuses exist in Axie Infinity?

There are two types of rewards in the game that produce different benefits depending on the situation, which provides a slight advantage to earning more money.


This is obtained by using a card of the same class as Axie, and the defender gets a 10% shield.


When Axie’s team (regardless of their body rank) plays cards of the same rank in a round, it’s called a chain. The bonus varies between 5% and 6%.

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