As one of the top rated cryptocurrency employer video games out there, Axie Infinity It is not immune to failure in its operation, From getting stuck in the middle of a game, not loading and blocking anything, to problems connecting to servers, and more.
For your good luck, today we bring you this article about The most common Axie Infinity errors and how to fix each one.
What is the main reason why Axie Infinity doesn’t work on Android?
The main reason why Axie Infinity fails on Android or any other device is the state of the server and crashes, a problem that is no stranger to online video game lovers.
This problem is usually due to a faulty Internet connection, software or hardware error, poor power supply, or even more serious conditions (such as Virus in device or problem in device Who is responsible for maintaining the platform and running the game.
How can I tell if the problem is mine or the server?
Before assuming the cause of the problem is one of these, We have to review both options well. In some cases, it is not the failure of the server, but the availability of our internet network or the devices accessing it.
In order to check that the internet network is in the correct state, a speed test is recommended, preferably from a computer, to rule out that the problem in the game is not the product of a poor connection.
Additional options Just turn off the router and turn it on after a few secondsthen try connecting again, also making sure all cables are in their place.
We can also choose to rule out that the problem is with our device and its connection, if not The server we use.
For this, we can ask friends to try to enter the game. If this doesn’t have a similar problem to what we had, it means it’s not the server, but if it does the same thing, that’s the crux of the problem.
What if Axie Infinity crashes during gameplay?
Almost all of us have had a problem at least once, and that is when the game gets stuck. If this happened in the middle of our game, the frustration we experienced would be worse. To try to fix it, we can try the following:
Restart your phone or computer
It seems that this is the answer assigned to the different questions we present on any device, no matter what platform is affected, during any activity, but despite its seeming basics, it’s generally very effective.
Many times the device is overloaded with information or is affected by excessive activity generated by different programs that consume energy even when they are not being used, overloading RAM memory and cause the game not to run as expectedand other disadvantages.
When we restart a mobile device or PC, we end the activities that interfere with its normal operation, allowing them to perform better.
Restart the router
You may not realize it, but A router works like a computer, the operating system may also fail. It can overload and overheat preventing the network from working optimally, so restarting it, waiting a few seconds and trying the game again should fix any issues.
How do I file a game complaint on the official Axie Infinity Discord?
To report a server failure in Axie Infinity Discord, we have to log in with our user and go to the FAQ button, which is a green icon with a question mark.
this will take us Go to the Axie Infinity Help Center. In this tab we have to go to the top right of the screen and select the option to submit a request.
Then we have to select Report a bug in the option box that appears when the right edge is pressed. There, we can send messages with errors, the device where the error occurred, and other data, and wait for answers and solutions to our problems.