when we decide Have a community on DiscordWe hope this is the most peaceful and other users we add can enjoy being on this platform as much as we do. However, sometimes you’ll find other users who are usually annoying and toxic, and it’s not very flattering to have them as friends on this platform. Likewise, we find people who like to be on the platform because some people just want to screw things up.
For this reason, as a Discord user, it is necessary for you to learn to block and unblock someone within the platform.In this way, you can Block people you don’t like However, if you sometimes block someone by mistake, then you also need to learn how to unblock them in the easy way we’ll teach you in this article.
Steps to unblock someone from my Discord
The Discord platform started out as a simple game chat server that rivaled TeamSpeak, which managed to surpass the platform and position itself better.However, after the Discord platform not only keep chatting For those who play games, but over time it has become more practical and now many people around the world use it for different things such as hobbies, business and more.
Also, it doesn’t offer many features other than a simple chat where you can privately message someone.But as with any other platform, some people are always malicious, which is why use the option to block them, to stop them from sending us any kind of message. Again, this can be done on Discord if necessary.
However, if at any point you regret blocking someone, whether for a different reason or simply by mistake, you can unblock that person to be able to interact with that person. For this reason, here we are going to teach you how to do it from the different devices on which the Discord platform was discovered.
from android phone
if you wish unlock a person On the Discord platform using an Android phone, you need to install the app on it. Now to unblock someone on Discord using your Android phone, you need to follow these steps:
- Sign in to the Discord mobile app.
- Now go to the message box and look for one of the messages from the person you want to unblock.
- Once we find the message of the person you have blocked, it will show up as Blocked and we have to click on it.
- A message will then appear with the username and profile picture displayed here.
- Then click on the user’s profile picture.
- Next, click on the three dots that appear.
- Finally, click on the «Unlock» option so that the user will be unlocked.
Using a MacOS computer
Now to do this from a MacOs computer, you must have the Discord application installed on your computer to perform the process. If you already have the application installed on your Mac, the process is very simple, the steps are as follows:
- Sign in to the Discord app.
- Then click the Start button with the Discord logo in the upper right corner of the window.
- after Select the «Friends» option It’s at the top of the column that will open.
- Now click on the «Blocked» option on the right panel.
- Next, find the person you want to unblock and right-click on them.
- Subsequently, Select the «Unlock» option This is in the menu that will open.
- Once the person is unlocked and you can interact with them again, you will have to add them as a friend again.
Use iPhone
In order to unblock someone in our Discord app on iPhone, you need to follow the same procedure done on your Android phone. Because, the app is the same and doesn’t change anything when installed on the iPhone.
The easiest way to verify that one of our contacts on Discord has been successfully unlocked is to send them a message. In other words, when the person is blocked, we cannot send him any messages because the platform does not allow this option.
Another way to know if a contact has been unblocked correctly is to It doesn’t appear on the block list. In addition, another sign of the correct execution of the program is that it will appear again among our friends and be able to interact with us and with us.
How can I tell if someone has blocked me on Discord?
As we mentioned before, Discord is considered an instant messaging platform that allows us to connect with a general community talking about a particular topic.However, the Discord platform without any notice It told us we were blocked by a person.
However, while Discord didn’t notify us that someone blocked us, there are some signs that we’ve been blocked by a specific person.when someone stops us we won’t be able to react to any of your text messages. Now, if the screen starts to shake when we react to your message, it’s because the person has blocked you, so you won’t be allowed that option.
Another way to find out if someone is blocking you is to check your friends list in your profile, where you can see if they appear. In the case of not showing up, that’s because he blocked you. These are some of the most common signs to check if your friends are blocking you.