How do I turn on my Windows PC’s network connection – help command

Currently, Network connectivity is critical in the tech worldbecause through them we can access different services and our everyday important information, such as the Internet, email, instant messaging, social networks, video calls, we can share applications, device information, store information in the cloud, and countless others The benefits. In this article, we’ll show you how to open the PC Networking Utility for Windows 10.

What are the steps to open a network connection on a Windows computer?

In Windows 10, there are three quick ways to turn on your PC’s network connection, from the Control Panel, the taskbar, or using the commands in the system CMD or Command Prompt options, below we’ll detail the steps to follow in each method in your Open a network connection on your PC.

The network that connects the world

from the control panel

Go to the «Control Panel» option via the Windows icon, once in the control panel, select the option to view by category, find the «Network and Internet» option and click on the item«View network status and tasks». Once in, you can press the «Change adapter settings» option and you’ll be able to see a list of the different network connections your PC has right away.

Using the PC’s taskbar

The Windows taskbar has various icons, one of which is located in the lower right corner of the monitor, is the network icon, and when we position ourselves on it and right-click on it, we can choose options «Open Network and Internet Settings». After pressing this option, the following window will be displayed where we can select the «Change adapter options» option and see the list of PC network connections.

Directly from «cmd»

Another method we can use to open a network connection on your PC is via CMD (Command Prompt) or Command Prompt, from which we can generate actions by executing commands. We will find the «Command Prompt» option in the Windows menu, from there we will write the command «ncpa.cpl» and then we will press the «enter» key to execute it, when the command is executed, it will take us to the window that will show us A list of our PC’s network connections is displayed.

Configure Networking in Windows

What special commands should you use to open your PC’s network connection?

To open a network connection on our PC, we use the «» command, but there are also several super useful commands that can be executed from the command prompt to manage the network from the PC, among them we have: Ipconfig>Ping>Tracert>Pathping> Getmac > Nslookup > Netstat > Netsh.

We’ll dive into some of these commands, for example, when we asked ourselves a question, how to find out what your computer’s IP address is, using the «ipconfig» command will give you the answer. By executing the «Ipconfig» command, we can see the IP address our PC is using.

If our interest lies in how to generate a full report of network connectivity. We need to execute the command «netstat» (network statistics), it will give us statistics of network activity, as well as the address and port where the connection is established, in short, through this command we can generate statistics which will be used as a means of monitoring network behavior tool.

Why can’t my computer’s network connection be turned on correctly?

There could be many reasons. Problems with the operating system, some malware or malware, perform a Windows installation or update for some corrupted or corrupted files, some configurations, or some incorrectly performed Windows updates. We have to visit the official page to download Windows, thus avoiding piracy, which can cause problems with the operating system and network functions, and we will lack technical support.

Set up and manage your network

Another point we must consider is how to enable network detection and sharing. It is possible to activate or deactivate sharing mode at any time, for this we have to position ourselves on the network icon and press the right mouse button, there we can see the option to activate or deactivate sharing, we can choose whether we want other people to see us , and whether we want to share devices such as printers on the network.

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