If you want to know how to install SSH on Ubuntu Server 20.04, keep reading this article. Basically, we will explain what you need to know to perform configuration access operations.It should be noted that there may be There is a problem configuring users on Ubuntu server 20.04. So another way is to fix broken or wrongly installed packages in Ubuntu.
What should I consider before installing SSH?
Before installing SSH (Secure Shell), You have to take SSH into account, It consists of a remote management protocol. This means that users can manage, control and edit different processes on remote servers over the Internet. The utility works thanks to an authentication method.
In summary, SSH provides users with A way in which remote user accounts can be authenticated. Also, the possibility to transfer elements from client to host and vice versa is provided. Also, before proceeding to install SSH on Ubuntu server 20.04, it’s important to demonstrate some more concepts:
- SSH encryption: remote management protocol, Offers different encryption modes what: Asymmetric encryption, symmetric encryption and hashing.
- SSH Syntax: Protocol SSH, as well as it has a basic syntax. This is the following: ssh {user}@{host}.
How to configure a user with permissions?
Now you should know how You can configure users with permissions. So, it must be said that the operation of SSH is quite simple.Anyway, to be successful in this process, you must make sure that you have downloaded the official version of Ubuntu 20.04
- first example, Ubuntu Server 20.04 is told that you will be connecting from your account using a secure shell with encryption.
- Then, enter the user (user) The authentication operation will be performed and eventually the location of the target (host) will be established.
When using SSH, Anything you do in the session will be encrypted to protect the data from any attack on the network. These operations may include user authentication, file transfers, commands, and more. more importantly, Using the SSH protocol, you can Access the server using SSH keys and remote computers to optimize network security.
How to execute tests in local mode?
According to this, you must know how to execute tests in local mode to Set up SSH user On Ubuntu: Basically, you can create a user connected via SSH to disable external root access by following these steps:
- Create a specific or exclusive user group for SSH.
- Create users and add to required groups.
- edit permission Use command in Ubuntu terminal: sshd_config to group.
- Restart SSH and test if it works.
and other commands This allows you to improve the connection from Ubuntu. One of them is named «IFCONFIG» It allows you to assign IP addresses to interfaces. But you might be wondering, how do I use and install the «IFCONFIG» command on my Ubuntu device? To answer the above question, just run the following command: sudo apt install net-tools. This way you can access all the information about the network configuration.
What is the correct way to use SSH in Ubuntu?
The correct way to use SSH in Ubuntu is to execute Install SSH on Ubuntu Server 20.04 Remotely, this requires several steps to use SSH, otherwise it is impossible to do so.you can also Check out the failed attempts to connect to the server via SSH from an Ubuntu server 20.04 terminal. For this you can use encryption: «grep «Failed password» /var/log/auth.log» which will give you a list with all necessary information.
How to do it remotely?
for remote Usually basic SSH is installed on the system, but its installation has some limitations.So the first thing you should do is Run on your Ubuntu terminal 20.04, following: SSH
- You will see all included options for using the SSH protocol.
- Then, to check its usage, Try to establish a local connection and run the following command: ssh localhost
- You will see that SSH port 22 will continue to refuse connections. In this case, you must install the management protocol with the command: sudo apt-get install OpenSSH-server.
- Press the letter S to confirm installation.
- Later, for Check the status of SSH On Ubuntu server 20.04, run the following command: sudo service ssh status
- There you will see its status in active mode processing.
- for To double check access to localhost, use this command: ssh localhost
- If you do not accept the connection, you will get an error message. Therefore, when you run this command, you need to enter «yes» to use SSH access.
- now you can access ssh configuration file with the help of an editor. It’s there, and when you see the SSH port (22), you can edit it if necessary. However, it is recommended to keep the default: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.